Cosmetic Brand
DrMediCart serves as the premier destination for enthusiasts of Indian cosmetics in the United States. Offering an extensive array of leading brands, we bring forth a comprehensive selection of products to cater to diverse preferences and needs. Our platform ensures access to top-notch brands at the best prices, guaranteeing authenticity across all offerings.
Rest assured, every product featured on DrMediCart is genuine, reflecting our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. With nationwide shipping available, customers throughout the USA can enjoy the convenience of doorstep delivery for their favorite Indian cosmetic products. Trust DrMediCart as your reliable source for authentic brands and exceptional service, as we continue to elevate the beauty experience for enthusiasts across the country.
3AM | GCC | One Thing |
7 Days | Gem Blue | Online Quality Store |
7 Fox | Generic | Oraah |
23 Yards | Ghar Soaps | Organic 100% |
50 Ap | Gillette | Organica |
A. Modernica Naturalis | Glamrs | Organic Harvest |
Aadvik | Glamveda | Organic India |
Aaranyam | Glenmark | Organicos |
Aarshaveda | Globus Naturals | Organic Wellness |
Aaryanveda | Glow & Lovely | Organiko |
Absolute Aromas | Glutazol | Organix Treasure |
Acupressure | Glymax | Oriental Botanics |
AdilQadri | Godrej | Oriflame |
Adrish | Goodcare | Origenz |
Adven Homeopathy | Good Vibes | Osadhi |
Ae Naturals | Goya Basics | Oshea Herbals |
Agile Wellness | Grace Gold | Ovation |
Ahaglow | Greeko Man | Oxylife |
Alanna | Green And Beige | OZiva |
Alex | Green Leaf | Ozone |
Alive & Well | GreenOpia Naturals | Ozone Ayurvedics |
Alkem | Greenwood Essential | Ozone Signature |
Allen Homeopathy | Gudvel | Paese |
Allin Exporters | Gulnare Skincare | Pahadi Local |
All Naturals | Gurukul | Paiya Organics |
Al Masnoon | Gush Beauty | Palmer's |
Alps Goodness | Gynoveda | Palmolive |
Amarantha | H&C Herbal | Palsons Derma |
Amayra Naturals | H&H | Parachute |
Amrita | Haeal | Parijata Herbs |
Amrut Pharma | Hakim Suleman's | Passion Indulge |
Amway | Hapdco | Patanjali |
Anahata | Happy Herbals | Payal's Herbal |
Ancient Living | Harkoi | Pears |
Annie's Way | Health and Yoga | Pee Safe |
Anoo's | Health Horizons | Peeschute |
Anour | Healthvit | Pentacare Ayurveda |
Anveya | Healwell Homeopathy | Pepsodent |
Apex | Hebsur Herbals | Perenne |
Aqualogica | Herbal Aroma’s | Petal Fresh |
Aranyam | Herbal Canada | Phy |
Arata | Herbal Hills | Pilgrim |
Aravi Organic | Herbal Tree | PIXI |
ARM Pearl Beauty | Herbcience | Plantas |
Arodent | Herb Essential | Plants Care |
Aroma Care | Herb Island | PLIX The Plant Fix |
Aromatique | Herbs & More | Plum |
ArtNweaves | Herbsense | Pokonut |
Ashpveda | Herbvilla | Ponds |
Astaberry | Hetha | Powell's Homeopathy |
AST Herbals | Hi | Praakritik |
Aswini | Himalaya Herbals | Pragna Herbals |
Atrimed | Himalayan Organics | Prakriti Herbals |
Atulya | Him Ayurveda | PrakritPurity |
August Bioscience | Hk | Praush Beauty |
Auli | HK Vitals | Pravek |
Auravedic | House of Beauty | Prioclean |
Aveeno | Hyalugel | Prisa Organics |
Avene | Iba Cosmetics | Proarte |
Aver Dynam Herbals | ICPA | Professional O3+ |
Avimee Herbal | Iha | Purearth |
Axiom | Ikkai | Pure Nutrition |
Ayouthveda | Ilana | Purepik |
Ayuga | IMC | PureSense |
Ayulabs | Impcops | Put Simply |
Ayurgen Herbals | Inatur | Pyunkang Yul |
Ayur Herbals | Indulgeo Essentials | Qadar |
Ayurvedashree | Indus Valley | Qraa |
Ayurvedix | Indya | Qraa Men |
Ayurvedshakti | Inlife | Quench |
Ayuugain | Innisfree | Qykkare |
Azafran | Insight | R&G |
Baidyanath | Intas | Raaga Professional |
Baidyanath Jhansi | Inveda | Raintech Herbals |
Bajaj | Ipca | Rajah Ayurveda |
Bakson's | ISAK | Ras Luxury Oils |
Balu Herbals | Isha Life | Re'equil |
Bangalore Bio-Plasgens | It's Skin | Regaliz |
Baps Amrut | Itch Guard | Regium Pharma |
Bare Body | Ivana Natural | Renee |
Bare Necessities | J & J Dechane | Repl |
Basic Ayurveda | Jergens | Revlon |
Bask In Nature | Jeveos | Revolution |
Bath & Body Works | Jioo Organics | Rey Naturals |
BBLite | Jiva Ayurveda | Rhuto India |
Beardhood | Jovees | Rica |
Beardo | Joy | Rivona Naturals |
Beauty of Joseon | Just Herbs | Riyo Herbs |
BeBodywise | Just Organik | Roop Mantra |
Bella Vita Luxury | Kailas Jeevan | Ruby's Organics |
Bella Vita Organic | Kailon | Rustic Art |
Bello | Kaina | R V Essential |
Bello Herbals | Kairali Ayurvedic | Saamya |
Belora Paris | Kaizer | Saathi |
Benmoon Ayurveda | Kalagura Gampa | Sadguru Ayurveda |
Beplain | Kalpa | Sadhev |
Be Soulfull | Kama Ayurveda | Sagar Ayurveda |
Bhargava | Kamdhenu Laboratories | Sage Apothecary |
Bigen | Kapiva Ayurveda | Sahasrayogam |
Biluma | Kaumudi | Salon in a Box |
Bio-Oil | Kaya | Samraksha Ayurvedic Pharmacy |
Biocule | Kazima | Sanat |
Bioderma | Kerala Ayurveda | Sanfe |
Biogetica | Kerala Naturals | Sansu |
Biolage | Keshananda | Santoor |
Bio Organic | Keva | Santulan Ayurveda |
Bio Resurge Life | Keya Seth Aromatherapy | Saptham |
Biosilk | Khadi Ark | Saroj Organics |
Biosoft | Khadi Eco Essentials | Sarva by Anadi |
Biotique | Khadi Essentials | Satjeevan |
Bipha Ayurveda | Khadi Mauri Herbal | Satliva |
Birla Ayurveda | Khadi Natural | Savlon |
Bjain Homeopathy | Khadi Omorose | SBL Homeopathy |
Bliscent | Khadi organique | Sebamed |
Bliss of Earth | Khadi Pure | Secret Alchemist |
Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic | Khadi Rishikesh | Seer Secrets |
Blue Heaven | Khadi Veda | Sesa Ayurvedic |
Blue Nectar | Khandige Organic | Seyal Naturals |
Blush Bunny Organies | Kiehl's | Shahnaz Husain |
Blushlin | Kimirica | Shankara |
Bobbi Brown | KLM | Sharmayu Ayurveda |
Body Cupid | Kojic | Shat Pratishat |
Body Gold | Korus Essential | Sheopal's |
Bodyherbals | Kosmoderma | Shesha Ayurveda |
Boericke & Tafel | Kp Namboodiri's | Shilpa Gold |
Bold Care | Krack | Shiseido |
Bombay Shaving Company | Krishna's Herbal & Ayurveda | Shizen |
Bon Organics | Kronokare | Shower To Shower |
Bornfeel | Kudos Ayurveda | Siddhagiri's Satvyk |
BoroPlus | Kulsum's Kaya Kalp | Siddha Nagarjuna Ayurveda |
Botnal | L'avenour | Simple |
Brandless | L'Occitane | Sindhu Herbals |
Brave Essentials | L'Oreal Paris | Sintra Naturals |
Brillare | L'Sensa | Sirona |
Brinton | Laam Herbal's | Sitaram Ayurveda |
Buddha Natural | Lactacyd | Skin Care |
Burt's Bees | Lacto Calamine | Skin Cottage |
B V Pundit's | Lafz | Skin Elements |
Cadila Pharma | Lakme | Skin Fx |
Cadiveu | Lakshmi Krishna Naturals | SkinLuv |
CAL Los Angeles | Lalas | Skinska Natural |
Camia | Lambre | Skm Ayurveda |
Capro Ayurveda | Laneige | Smashbox |
Carbamide Forte | LA Organo | S N Pandit Ayurveda |
Carbon Bae | La Shield | Sol de Janeiro |
Careberry | Lass Naturals | Some By Mi |
Carmesi | Laurik | SOS Organics |
Catramide | LDD Bioscience Homeopathy | Sotrue |
Caudalie Paris | Lilium Herbal | Soulflower |
Cauvery | Lipzlite | Soultree |
Caveman | Liril | Spag Herbals |
Celozia | Livon | Spawake |
Cerave | Loccitane | Speaking Tree |
Cetaphil | Looloo | Spinz |
Chambor | Lord's Homeopathy | Sri Jain Ayurvedic Pharmacy |
Chandrika Ayurvedic | Lotus Botanicals | Sri Sri Tattva USA |
Charak | Lotus Herbals | St.Botanica |
Chek Organics | Lotus Organics | St. D'vencé |
Chemist At Play | Love Beauty And Planet | St. Dvence |
Cheryl's Cosmeceuticals | Love Earth | St. George's Homeopathy |
Chicco | Lunn | St. Ives |
Chicnutrix | Luster Pure Herbals | Suganda |
Cinthol | Lux | Sugar Cosmetics |
Cipla | Luxura Sciences | SUGAR POP |
Clarins Paris | LYEF | Suncros |
Clave Organic | Mac | Sun Scoop |
Clean & Clear | Mahadhyuta Herbals | Super Herbal |
ClearCut | Maharishi Ayurveda | Surya Pharma |
Clensta | Malabarica Vegan Ayurveda | Sutatva |
Clinikally | Maliao | Svarasya |
Closeup | Malibu | Svarasya Nivr |
Coccoon | Mamaearth | Swisse |
Coconess | Mangrove Health Care | Syndy Pharma |
Coco Soul | Manish Malhotra | TAC - The Ayurveda Co. |
Colgate | Manjeera | Tamas Ayurveda |
Colorbar | Man Matters | Tantraxx |
Conscious Chemist | Mantra Herbal | Tatsat |
Coronation Herbal | Mantra Organics | Tatvik Ayurveda |
Cos-IQ | Manvicare | Teenilicious |
Cosrx | Mars By GHC | Teja Organics |
Cowpathy | MARS Cosmetics | Tencha |
Creme | Matrix | Terrai |
Cura | Matt Look | Thank You Farmer |
Curatio | Maybelline | Thankyou Farmer |
Curenext | mCaffeine | The Beauty Co. |
Cureskin | Mederma | The Body Shop |
Cureveda | Medilexicon Homeopathy | The Dave's Noni |
Curious Peach | Medimix | The Derma Co |
d'you | Medisynth | The Earth Reserve |
Dabur | Med Manor Organics | The Face Shop |
Darman | Mee Mee | The Herb Boutique |
Daughter Earth | Meera | The Man Company |
Dear Klairs | Menarini | The Moms Co |
Deconstruct | MENSOME | The Mouth Company |
Deep Ayurveda | Meraki Essentials | The Natural Wash |
Derma Essentia | Merlion Naturals | The Ordinary |
Dermafique | Mesmara | The Organic Forest |
Dermalogica | MHZ Naturals | The Pink Foundry |
Dermatouch | Micro | The Skin Story |
Dermavive | Minimalist | The Tribe Concepts |
Dermdoc | Mirabelle | The True Therapy |
Dermicool | Miracle Herbs | The Wellness Shop |
Dermistry | Mirah Belle | The Woman's Company |
Desi Utthana | Mirintz | ThriveCo |
Detoxie | Misters | Tinge |
Dettol | Mitchell USA | Tjori |
Deve Herbes | Mitvana | Tonymoly |
Devinez | Modicare | Too Faced |
Dhathri Ayurveda | Moha | Treaclemoon |
Dhavio | Mohammedia | TRESemme |
Disguise Cosmetics | Mom & World | Trio Ayurveda |
Divine Aroma | Moody | Triveda |
Dorjee Wellness | Mother Sparsh | Trnatva |
Dot & Key | Mountainor | Truderma |
Dove | MR Ayurveda | TrueBasics |
Dr. Batra's | Muout Plus | True Frog |
Dr. Bhargava Homeopathy | Murad | True Kind |
Dr.Ceuracle | Muuchstac | Tru Hair & Skin |
Dr. Jain's | Myglamm | Tvaksh |
Dr. Jrk's | Mysore Sandal | Tvam Naturals |
Dr.Oracle | Mystiq Living | Ultra Health Care |
Dr.Organic | Mystique Earth | Undry |
Dr. Ortho | myUpchar Ayurveda | Uniearth |
Dr.Rashel | Nabhi Sutra | Unpa |
Dr. Reddy's | Nagarjuna Ayurveda | Upakarma Ayurveda |
Dr. Sheth's | Naija | Urban Botanics |
Dr. Willmar Schwabe India | Naimat | Urbangabru |
Duh | Namyaa | Urbanguru |
Dwibhashi | Nandini Herbal | Urbanorganics |
e.l.f. Cosmetics | Nat Habit | Urban Veda |
Earthe Essentials | Native Circle | Urban Yog |
Earthen Story | Natural | Ustraa |
Earth N Pure | Natural Health and Herbal Products | UVIS Herbal & Beauty |
Eartho Essentials | Naturali | Vaadi Herbals |
Earth Rhythm | Naturalis | Vaidyaratnam |
Earthy Sapo | Natural Vibes | Vanalaya |
Ecoberry | Nature's Destiny | Vanarc Organic Rituals |
Elaviya | Nature's Essence | Vandyke |
Elecious Naturals | Nature's Tattva | Vanveda |
Elegant | Nature's Way | Varaasa |
Elemensis Naturals | Nature Code | Vaseline |
Elsenz | Nature Sure | Vasishta Pharma |
Emami | Naturoman | Vasu Health Care |
Embryolisse | Navaratna | Vasu Healthcare |
Enafix | Naveda Herbal | VCare |
Enchanteur | Neemli Naturals | VCN |
Enhance Skincare | Neud | Vedantika Herbals |
Enn | Neutralise Naturals | Vedic Line |
Epique | Neutriderm | Vedic Naturals |
Episoft | Neutrogena | Vedic Valley |
Estavito | Newish | Vedsun |
Estee Lauder | New Shama | Veet |
Etheric | Nilgiri Aromas | Venu Madhuri |
Ethiglo | Ningen | Vicco |
Everyuth | Nipco Homeopathy | Vigini |
Everyuth Naturals | Nirvasa | Vilvah |
Exotic Aromas | Nishman | Vi Prime Health And Beauty |
Extasy | Nivea | Vital Organics |
Fabessentials | NMFe | Vitaminutes |
Faces Canada | Novology | Vithoba Ayurvedic |
FAE Beauty | N Plus | Vitro Naturals |
Farmacy | Nua | Vivel |
Farm Naturelle | Nuskhe By Paras | VLCC |
Fashion Colour | Nusoft | Vogue Wellness |
Favon | Nutrafirst | VWash |
FCL | NutriGlow | W |
Februus Organics | Nutriment | Wellbeing Nutrition |
fem | Nutrinorm | Wet n Wild |
Fem | Nutriorg | What’s Up Wellness |
Fiama | NutroActive | Wheezal |
First Water | Nuxe | Wild Earth |
Fixderma | Nxtgen Ayurveda | Wishcare |
Floren | Nycil | WishCare |
Forest Essentials | Nyveda | Wishingbell Natural |
Forest Herbs | O4U | Wonder Herbals |
ForMen | OGX | Wow Skin Science |
Four Seasons | Ohria Ayurveda | Yardley |
Fruiser | Oilcure | Yellowave Skin Science |
FYC Professional | Olaplex | Yves Rocher |
Fytika | Olava Naturals | Zandu |
G&f | Olay | Zayn & Myza |
Ganpati Herbal | Old Tree Essential | Zobha |
Garden Bliss | Olesoft Max | Z Talc |
Garnier | Olivia | Zuddha Ayurveda |
Gavyamart | Omorfee |